⁓ *My diary* ⁓

This page was last written 17/5/2024 at 07:42 AM.

Friday 17/5/2024

A while ago I set my home page with noindex to hide from that one guy I couldn't care to mention. If you are seeing this, GET OUT. Dang, he is like Crispin from Class of '09. Keeps venting something "deep" and suddenly griefs why he loves me. Still a huge loser. And no I AM NOT NICOLE! One last thing, H, GET OVER IT, DON'T APPEAR ON THE INTERNET EVER AGAIN, I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR THE PHONIEST GRIEFING TEXTS ON A GROUP MESSENGING SOFTWARE. GET OVER IT.

OOPS! Sorry! I just watched the NEOPUNKFM show about touring the 2023 100 Gecs concert and the people there are zany yet cool. Their music is like any cartoon band but it is more of a genre bend; and I went to school, there are some girls who wore casual because they had to go train for the Duke of Edinburgh bronze award somewhere in a forest. Kids are usually at school gawking alot but this time almost half the the class left, so it's me. Thniking why the half of the class left. Not because it was me watching two guys in 100 Gecs wearing a music wizard costume. This was written 7 in the morning, and there are some kids who stayed before going to the DofE training ish (AKA kids who were staying before friday). Gotta wish for the best the class only had 9 people in it. If not.

Sunday 12/5/2024

Hey! How long have I updated my page? I STILL DREAD SCHOOL! Ok, fine, fine, fine. I intended to write the post around Friday but I was too lazy; at school it was fine and usual, school is still the same, Fridays are those days where kids try to annoy their 8th or 9th period class teachers. French class was fun, Ms. Roome just let us play a Gimkit round of Among Us (I LOATHE THAT GAME!) I tried to be the bad guy but all I got was a crewmate role. All I did was put Tf2 usernames on my notes, hoping someone would peek at my notes and see how insane I was. Let's rewind. I have something to tell. On my way to French class there was an ambulance, which arrived during geography class, and there was two rescuers escorting the guy in my year because he sprayed deodorant right into his mouth. I got the details from a guy who has him in his geography class; he said that the guy was shaking and before and around lunch or in the morning this guy sprayed deodorant right into his mouth. Things wouldn't get any zanier. But that is one thing a normal school day couldn't have.

I am moving out soon, around, like the tenth? 11th of June? And when I tell this to my friends I thought they are going to dismiss it like "Okay Nikki yes indeed you are moving see you soon hopefully" but who woulda thunk Earth that humans are kind and evil and ugly at the same time. The kids in EAL are the most that miss me, well only 8 or more of them.

Friday 19/4/2024

First off, I just got my first or not first period (cuz' heck yes!)today and it started around afternoon. The weirdest thing that it does not smell. Just old blood clotted. Or should I say blood clot in my heart and die. I am worried about that, but I guess it is similar to tummy pains but a bit bottom. And yesterday, I went to South Kensington in London to renew my Thai passport; There's this woman who was from Buengkan (Nongkai) whom she married a English guy and moved around London. But she was there to do service business and one of them was making a passport for her 27 year-old daughter. Well, A Thai Mom and a German ex-Dad married had children and divorced, then married an English man. The thing was, however, she wanted her daughter to own a British passport, but it is hard to figure because she was born in Germany. But the lady who worked there said that "Have you confirmed her nationality?" and that has to be the weirdest question ever. I would've died on the spot because I have no clue what nationality was her daughter, anyways. The last thing was me talking to my friends about obnoxious things along the way to the stop sign, and I went home. Without a clue why I had periods in the first place. I'm praying I could get taller.

Tuesday 2/4/2023

Guess what, it is months since I disappeared. Here's breadcrumbs about my life. "Hollow" turns out to be an offender and he quitted Twitter (for good!) because he acted weird to his friends (me too!) and sexually harrased a 21 year old woman named Lucinda; he's only 14 too! If you are here, run. I do not want you here, Boyloser. Another thing is that school closed for Easter, and it's for 2 months. Alot lot of time to use my home page for good use. I met alot of artists (Khamthong Ohm) and those artists who always draw Larry and Lawrie; I researched more on Geocities; Also researched 90s and 80s fashion. I wanted those cool saggy bell bottoms and a bit bulky shoes kindergarteners wear. I would also want a while long and loose T-shirt and draw my favorite character on it. But thanks to the guy I mentioned earlier I got a negative view on Indonesian kids. It felt so wrong. I am not racist, but the boy earlier made me upset quite alot.

And lately I made lots of friends. Ronnie and other people. I still wish that 90's culture and anything related to that stemmed and made this year better. I am so so fed up with stupid videos calling out people and always into drama.

Monday 4/3/24

I'm back from not surviving. Joking! I had to tell a story about me afterschool. As usual, I stroll back home with two kids from year 7. But the other kid wasn't here, and the girl was waiting, so I had to go with her. Near the last crossing street, there were a real circus of buses rolling in. I could not recall how many, but I feel like there were 8. the 7th bus had two girls from my year (year 9) and one of the girls near the windows must've saw me trying to cross the road, and decided to pull a prank by pulling out middle finger while the bus passed me. This had to be the most funny thing I have ever witnessed today. Wished it happened to others.

wednesday 20/2/24

huge oopsie because i was too lasy to list weather today cuz its gonna be a quick one. i was fumbling with the miniradio widget and trying to find the stream file of the internet radios and i did it. for example, the file for the thai metropolitan monitoring FM 91 is https://fm91bkk.com:8900/;stream.mp3 . if you own 8gadgets and had a mini radio, you just have to find any radio site that has the player (default with no numbers for ending) or go to inspect and find the code that plays the stream file. also note that extra characters rather than english makes your other radios reset. so just dont put thai or fancy stuff inside it. im glad i had a radio built right in and now i am listening to a taxi driver who needed help because his car batteries broke down. but the next half hours the mechanic came after another fellow taxi driver tried to help. so yeah if you are a thai person who need to find missing stuff, report a help on the road, or even send help to fin the missing person or cat. i really wished people have gadgets on their windows instead of one background that shows "aesthetic" view, like those aesthetic how to customize your windows 10. i loathe indows 10 because how tacky it was. windows 7 and vista is way more superior. and yeah idk i feel boring because hollow keeps talking and i feel like i would dive into a icy lake with water running underneath and become a corpse like the case a russian mom did.

tuesday 19/2/24

weather shower 13°C wind 10km/h
mood content

i still dont get it why hollow just straight up titled me property of hollow (ik its a joke). still anxious about the test, i finally selected my GCSE options but its due 8th of march so yeah in time. but i loathe doing homework and stuff. still nothing to do so i tried to focus on my site and my pc bc the windows vista and 7 gadgets are cool.

monday 19/2/24

weather cloudy 12°C wind 16km/h
mood content

i forgot to write my diary yesterday so forget it. i downloaded windows vista gadgets and it made my computer even cooler. windows 10 looks so boring but windows 11 was a take on windows 7 but silicone glasses instead of legendary clean glass. i dont even know who decided on this and the layout is just gradient and small transparency. i also really really hate the modern look. i think design values the user eye but the reason its this is because they want the "immersive responsive layout so that boomers could easily use it" and accessibility as their goal. i mean you can go heavy design and heavy accessibility. i just wantboth. JK Rowling's (sorry drama people) site was way more creative and information jammed because theres lots to see. but these days they slap on one div with the most boring inspirational quote ever. still i think thai web design is falling behind and im glad. screw modernism we going for nostalgia. anyways, i updated my computer. and today was the day hollow had to go to boarding school and live lagugh love for 3 years until i try to get in college. i mean, yeah his parents are abusive and all, but i am glad times two that he got the justice he deserved. millions of children are doomed because the war, parent neglection, political and law problems and adults thinking they are toys. to this day i am one of them (my parents and family are nice actually) but my grandma and mom always argue if they went back to thailand.

thanks to my neck pain and my trapezium i feel like my head was cut off or blown Mark Heathcliff style. speaking of mark i didnt return to mandela catalogue for a long time and had to reread it after a video by wendigoons video of him, Kane Pixels, and Alex Kisser Kister playing gmod running away from the rolling giant aka julien aka jesus took the wheel. and i got fustrated because the clipboarder made capital v and c harder. so enjoy this picture of my current pc after 2 days ago. lastly i moved to monster high 4 and its gonna be a long one but the finale of the main story and focused on lala.

saturday 17/2/24

weather cloudy 12°C wind 21km/h
mood content

Monster High 3 is a shocking thing to me because Melody is releaved to be a RAD too. shes a siren (no matter why she didnt really get along with her stepparents and sister and she had beautiful voice) and yeah it was hinsted in the last book. and Ghoulia Yelps is actually a side story for chapter 13 of the books. and yep today i finally edited my windows 10 system themes and sound to windows 7. very nostalgic and cool, but internet explorer now only redirects to microsoft edge so people with new tech is cool and all but they are degenerates. so yeah now MH3 is about Clawdeen and her brothers and one sister running to their base in the ravine. but some time later they moved to their steakhouse restaurant because ravines are more prone to investigations. on the otehr side Candace and Melody were on the NUDI prowl and at school they found the group led by Bekka. this book is definitely a movement book disguised in a teens romance fiction. very smart not nice try but very influential. sadly Monster High became a kids show instead of a revealing teens book thanks to Mattel's rotting ways. one last thing is i watched the Rolling Giant by Kane Pixels. it blew up in roblox for no reason and i rather call the giant "Jesus Took the Wheels". i still dont have any confirmed GCSE options but i do plan to do either art or graphic communication and global perspectives. i love hearing some small news. but i gave up on ICT and music because you have to be brace and good in maths. so i guess product design could help but i want a different approach.

friday 16/2/24

weather cloudy 10°C wind 10km/h
mood content but actually a bit worried

so its hard to believe that i finished Monster High 2: the Ghoul next door and it turns out that Ghoulia is probably a placeholder for an upcoming novel by Lisi and now near the end Frankie invited everyone to the live listen party for the programme, The Ghoul Next Door. but only to find out that it is jinxed by Bekka and Frankie's house became drama. on the other side, Cleo managed to become a model for Teen Vogue and Candace and Melody joins in. Cleo is now friends ish with Melody but not fully. i didnt remember the whole story but it is a bit confusing but at the end it is golden. just like Cleo said.

today was non-uniform day and i wore the lilac sweater with white roundy cute flower prints on. i only wore jeans. i was actually planning to wear home spandexes on but i thought it was time for a change. but when i arrived everybody was wearing black and athleisure and wore comfy spandex pants. the part where everybody wore black did remind me of when a popular diva and popular actress or singer dies massses of people arrive in funeral clothes. now i get to rest this half-term, but i am still not ready for options and um those assessments coming up. i sure hate my life. but if i go back i would risk my music teacher becasue i want him to get FIRED.

thursday 15/2/24

weather extremely misty 13°C wind 10km/h
mood content, excited a bit

OK, i finally read Monster High 2: The Ghoul Next Door last night and its now on the perspective of Cleo the mummy girl with a rich house and Deuce became her boyfriend. but Melody and Frankie is still in this book and it tells their perspectives too. so, the book starts with Cleos house decorating their house for a welcome-home party of Cleo's dad, Ram. Ram arrives with treasures from aunt Nefertiti. Cleo is rejoiced about it until the next day the town shuts off data and mobile connections and Cleo wanted to invite ther mosnter friends over for a party but got interrupted by Manu, Cleo's servant, messages about refrain from texting on AT&T sim card thingy. i thought Manu is a normal servant, but hes probably half bot -half human (or monster?) and Cleo wished she had her friends invited over during the blackout (because police department is after Frankie). but Deuce sneaked out to Cleo's house palace and gave her a pet snake, whom she named her (its a she) Hissette. Now, i am lost a bit but im not sure if its the same night or its just me not sleeping at night. its probably the next night, Frankie invited the RADs and Melody and Jackson and her friends after Billy (Frankies BF) the invisible guy broken in her house and gave her the most heartwarming gift ever. band the party happened. but near the end of the party Frankie freaks out because she is scared Hissette eats the Glitteratti (the group of rats Frankie had as a pet) but Cleo picked Hiss at the nick of time. and this is all i remember. but one thing i like is there is still references in here. for example one chapter told this:

Monster High (1)
Wax On, Wax Off
Lisi Harrison
© Mattel 2010

"Yeah, I just can't figure it out why." she admitted, beating white powder from the couch cushions. "It's not like you to get involved".

Melody took offense to this commment, even it came from the girl who thought downloading Hope For Haiti Now made her a humanitarian.

HHAHAHAHAHAHHA WHEEEZE!!!!!! i think this book made my day even its a "frutiget metro" styled 2010s book, i have to say this is the most godly book i have ever read and the first time it made it fun. also one of the no picture books i read in a while. Candace being told as "the girl who downloaded Hope for Haiti just to bcome a humanitarian" somehow reminded me of the palestine situation. its sad ti think about it but at least on this site i am in a ThermaFoil blanket chilling and hoping to draw more random characters. today i jsut drew Ernest (i guess thats his name) yep i turned him into a troll!!! i turned him into a troll!!! i guess from now on i got hooked to reading 2010s fiction with jampacked references books got me hooked into writing. but this is just a word from a girl who thought drawing characters would form and force friends and talk long amounts of text.

oh also, tomorrow is non-uniform day, im glad because playing football in the morning in PE is just burning me in the mist, but at least i could get warm with natural powers. i was planning to wear those jeans (last year i wore spandex and PARIS hoodie on it loks like i just woke up and went straight to school.) but now i think jeans is better. blue and casual. i also think about wearing the purple sweater. pretty simple enough. also today i heard about TwoMad dead. a guy revealed that hes a (highlight the black text because offensive) rapist and a murderer. i met twomad when i found a vid of him roasting an edgy ass hacker steam profile. i thought he was a decent yotuber but that time i feel like he was in some controversy. so not that hes dead. and its valentines lets pay our love hate. rest and rip in pieces and fuck you twomad. its valentines and i still dont have a valentine. i see hollow as a friend but a joking pretend interested guy. i didnt mean to hurt but i hope i could talk to oblivion8390 everyday.

wednesday 14/2/24

weather extremely misty 13°C wind 16km/h
mood content, hungry

i finished reading Monster High now its time to read Monster High 2: The Ghoul Next Door. i saw a sneak peak and tis probably something to do with Ghoulia, the 'normie' girl and Cleo from the original book, once again snobby rich in carbohydrates mummy girl. but i have to admit book 1 was better bcause the IMAX reference and ThermaFoil blankets (used in emergencies) but i really want one for no reason. i just finished the sitemap page and was hoping to make more pages the same format. for now i was also finding a weird spot to afk in DABS because i once hung myself (not killing myself you delightful blender) on an air vent and afk there but then hours later i came back fromthe screen and found myself respawned so i guess someone mustve been a moderator and sent me down without banning or the game thought i was going to respawn. makes sense.

tuesday 13/2/24

weather cloudy 10°C wind 8km/h
mood bored, hungry

last night i read a book named Monster High 1 and its extremely fun as hell. its basically about the story of 2 girls moving to oregon (its Frankie and Melody) and each page took turns telling the story of both. Frankie Stein is a born frankenstin and her parents are also a frankenstein. her family tries to avoid being caught as monsters (referencing racism) or else they are thrown in jail. Frankie almost got caught at school (of course she has tan makeup on and a scarf) and her mom is in tears because shes scared her daughter put in jail. Melody horever is ecstatic about moving to oregon because not she wouldnt get teased as smellody but candace, her older sister is crying and keeps moaning like 'BORE-regon. ABHORE-regon' and the list goes on whenever she mixes oregon with negative words. the two met and actually became friends. but my favorite thing about this book is it referenced (and emphasized) IMAX 3D opening of Avatar. so here is the extract of Monster High. i credited her incase Mattel wants to crush me:

Monster High (1)
Lisi Harrison
© Mattel 2010

The tangy-carcass smell of ketchup and cows (meat loaf?) was more overwhelming than the four different "food zones". Defined by chair color and identified with spirited hand-painted signs, the Peanut-Free Zone was brown; the Gluten-Free Zone was blue; the Lactose-Free Zone was orange; and the Allergy-Free Zone was white. Students carrying color-coordinated food trays clamored to mark their territory as if racing for seats at the IMAX 3D opening of Avatar.
i found the IMAX 3D opening of avatar reference so funny yet nostalgic since back in 2010 (i was a rotting baby) Avatar was extremely popular because the ever evolving 3D technology of 3D theatres. i have to really really admit, i love books with a lot or a ton (for clarity) of well packed references just like those grapes from M&S plastic packs. also this as the first time i saw books have alot of potential. i mean i believe that books helped with my writing since most of my writted stories are non-emotional but if it was me writing my blog i am ready to fire documents (you know those files against pedophiles). like my therapist advised, i had to mark my own moods and feelings since autistic people are not familliar with emotions. but i was too scared to show emotions because if you cry your friends would shame you for being a kid. but i guess its ok to show. i am always the type who peeks the ending text of books and i can say or spoil that in the end Frankie and Melody hold hands as friends signing a peace treaty and always and forever declaring a war to fight for love.

me myself hate starting with more "i thought i heard i found i did" text prompts but i was going to say in my life i have enver been touched by books, just like the wooden hanging decors "to teach is to touch a life 4ever". and so the rest of the day is i learned stuff at school and athena just asked me and khian if we could go to waterstone but i went home early and my mom said you can go because you will have friends. but you have to bring your brother to go with. so i actually said "yeah they said i can go next time" and my mom approved the whole thing about me going out with year 7s. pretty much boring and a happy day happy trails.

sunday 11/2/24

weather sunny 9°C wind 16km/h
mood angry, content

i just had an argument with my brother his size shorter than his bloodline and he just snapped his fingers over my cheek and now i am going to kill him (not actual killing) and for now i am thinking that hes just the type of person that couldnt handle the truth truthfully (technically the truth) but for now i think monday is peeking outside again and for now i will just meet people in DABS (da amazing bunker simulator) jsut like the old times.

also sorry for not writing diary for the past 2-3 days, christmas moon table. i mean, yep lifes hard and i couldnt help and try reverse polarizing the world. and today i just met 333, 222 and 111 again. surely my life is going PERFECTLY fine. now im praying that its gonna snow, but yeah the weather forecast said there is chance of snow but if its thin snow i still had to go to school and expect that one girl screaming "THOMAS CLAGUE!" again.

saturday 10/2/24

weather cloudy 10°C wind 8km/h
mood happy

yep decent day today; i started playing roblox again but will return soon. oh also met medium key. and the guy with the 7/11 shirt that keeps exploding. will write more tomorrow.

thursday 8/2/24

weather rain and snow 6°C wind 37km/h
mood bored

sorry for disappearing my homie christmas moon table (the diary's name) i got so carried on developing the da amazing bunker simulator wiki. so it isnt a really active project, but it was for practicing coding and test around with iframes. but i left it for a while because it blocked the mailbox webhook link (basically what it links to discord) and csp problems (also associated with mailbox)

so today i had like an academic tutoring, the whole year 9 8th grade is out for the day and you have to go with parents to like meet teachers. so i met mrs taylor-ward and my mom just outlined all weak spots shyness, bad at maths and grade problems etc etc. but at least i get to go out to school but now mrs just wanted me to move with faith and rosheen (i had to admit, they sometimes get me ticked off, but i am fine with them and at least they are my only friends.) so i will upload more art soon. just wait here.

monday 5/2/24

weather cloudy 12°C wind 29km/h
mood chill

this was the day that i discovered that i had a tooth overeruption. i guess it was caused by me eating a chip but it slid under a part of gum and it slip down or its my third molar growing and it caused impact on my second molar.

i didnt go to the dentist, i checked the solution to that and most dentist sites sad that its okay to have partial tooth eruption but i ahd to go to a dentist in thailand instead. ok topic change i developed a standalone wiki called da amazing bunker simulator. the site only has like 4 pages finished but i guess its going well.

sunday 4/2/24

weather sunny 14°C wind 34km/h
mood chill, happy

late again for posting diary stuff. i made a project called da amazing bunker simulator wiki 2 tm. it was made to archive most of dabs stuff but the sole reason why it was made because wikia or fandom is ugly and always feed ads and revenue shit so i guess one way most popular fandoms do is migrate out of fandom and into mediawiki. bu i hate setting up my own server, and wanted the wiki a custom look. so i did. one of the moderators in the dabs wiki server actually liked it because wikia sucks. all the way.

saturday 3/2/24

weather cloudy 9°C wind 26km/h
mood chill, worried, would put status cafe

in archives i posted a new art. its a 3d model created thanks to boredom. go check it.

its saturday and once again nothing much, its me chilling. mom and brother went outside to buy snacks and stuff for the kitchen. but out house is messy like a rats den or something. also gotta admit, i dont really have much interest about drawing simon now. hollow i didnt mean i am not interested in you, i just feel blank. ok the day is very dandy and at night is freezes and its so darker than thailand you could see the stars.

friday 2/2/24

weather cloudy 13°C wind 27km/h
mood content, worried

i got worried because of upcoming GCSE options. i didnt look at it much but i had to select 4 subjects aiming for GCSE but the timetable is for year 10 and i am moving out of isle of man before that. i looked at some graphic design courses and global perspectives. i think i might choose that. but music and computer science is risky because in music you have to be brace (yes i literally meant brace for impact) enough to perform and computer science needs people who are good at math and logic. i had to find more GCSE subjects available this year, but i am moving out oof this small island so i hope they dont force me to stay in this school and learn gcse all over again. but its parents rights... so i think i can move out.

on the other side, I AM SO HAPPY that its friday. now i can get to chill (only for 2 days then start all over again) i am looking forward to update the advertisements page and some new pages. more art is coming soon, but i have to make a henry morris ai dataset so that i can make him a fake utau he is. now excuse me i am going to figure how to find the file location of the dataset so that it works well. oh and today in geography my class had to write a real letter proposing the suitable location to place a new windfarm because UK plants to cut net-zero emissions by 2050 (i dont even know what my age that time is maybe in my late 30s) to Alfred Cannan, the most important person in the iom government. i am actually quarter impressed that i am part of the vote for a wind farm location. if thailand lets students cut net-zero with a scissors, then i guess it already happened. but their government declined last 2 years i hope the new prime minister is better and helps save the world.

thursday 1/2/24

weather cloudy 12°C wind 24km/h
mood starving, content, bored, need pop tarts and food
now and still the same to this day

as you all know, i hate netball. i got chewed by what target i choose to send but yeah the rest is history. but the interesting thing today is when its science class, my teacher had as in groups and conduct a practical. i joined erin and lily. i hope no irl person sees this but i normally see erin as a quiet person. lily is also quiet but she enjoys talking to herself(this is not an insult). the practical had HCl acid included and everybody in this world knows that its corrosive and irritant. but erin spilled them 3-4 times and it didnt sting for her. the two boys on the other side of the counter are just laughing around and one of them purposely spilled acid on his hand and he said "look it doesnt sting at all" well that kid better be cautious becuase acid in large amounts can sting later. but luckily he washed it away. i didnt record the results, because lily was just doing a fake new years countdown on the stopwatch. and the teacher said that the practical is a GCSE grade experiment and it is hard to make the metal in acid produce enough hydrogen gas to make a bubble go up the water. but to me the rest of the day is just me thinking about pop tarts, hollow himself amen, developing the site, and.... well other stuff cluttered in my brain.

wednesday 31/1/24

weather rain 11°C wind 39km/h
mood starving, content, bored

i am back!!! with another boring story to mark on because books are ruined easily.

it got too windy today, and in the afternoon it snowed. my mom is better now but she still has swelling back right eye. she had to make hash browns and nuggets for me and my brother because she had a meeting coming up. i like how it rained. oh well i cant wait to watch boring stuff. oh and a bit of update. i finally fixed the ducks body arch and now the messy chunk is off by myself!! but the problem is i couldnt smooth it with a wood planer. so i had to use sandpaper and now it didnt help any. i guess i could now focus on making a hole to insert the diffuser. but i am still worried how to insert the cables and he lights in. then i would assemble the head and the body with a PVC glue. wowee my small as heck desk lamp is nearly and smoothly finished!!!!

tuesday 30/1/24

weather sunny 9°C wind 16km/h
mood tired but still happy

back from school so happy but my mom is having ocular migraine prints in her head again!!!!

been talking to hollow again (yes) and yeha dunno what to say at least i uh i forgot to do my DT homework (once again this is abbr for design tech) its always short answers man. just google and ctrl c you send it. will write more

so turns out i have completed my homework like wednesday ago now. and now i had to steal borrow my brothers ipad. he said no like 10 times but now he agrees and now i had to take a pic of me showing code stuff with my hand. i am weird but thats how i am lol

monday 29/1/24

weather shower 4°C wind 24km/h
mood bored, still hungry to this day gaga

i think logs can be in any format. logs was going to be something similar to blogs, but i formatted into diary ish stuff. i also think that it can be rants or if i have a camera i should load pics in here and post them. but bandwidth is a huge problem so i might have to find more image hosters.

now onto the daily topic. mondays are boring, i am extremely bored when it comes to maths and english. PE is fine, ok, but its actually fun. we still have to play danish longball, which is like there are fielders and batters, batters haave to try hit a ball (they can avoid it too, its up to them) and try to run to the other end without fielders getting a ball and tag you with it. you can run away when another batter starts. but the last batter has to run to the other side and run back. for fielders you have to be quick.

in EAL i had to make those vocab cards. at least its better than choosing german and learn them. its an extra curriculum but most native kids chose it or its up to their parents. they even have tests, which is why i could run away from having to sit in a room and write all day (well not all day its 15 mins) by now i am veryveryvery hngry after walking like 1 kilometers away from school.

sunday 28/1/2024

weather shower 12°C wind 37km/h
mood bored, hungry

i am writing the logs again and i guess sundays are the most boring days ever in my entire life. i ate too much pop tarts, will eat again. at first i thought pop tarts have the same taste as those pie thingies with jam filling but it was unexpected taste because its so delish and it also tastes like cookies. i also tried to import a femtanyl first concert alongside black dress video (uploaded by salvia hunden, femtanyls spiritual sister) but its too long and its like 108 kb and most file hosters cannot handle it. compresser sites also cannot handle it. so i guess one way is find the best compresser ever and let all bootleg sites shut up. also shoutout to hollow cuz he said it to me. and the stuff he talked to me was just another history since its privacy.

saturday 27/1/2024

weather cloudy 11°C wind 29km/h
mood happy, bored, hungry

yay very happi bc i get to talk to hollow again and akjnkajek i am so hungry woop woop.

its finally saturday and i get to chill a whole long time. i signed up for whispy.org and its gonna be a replacement for twitter. elon musk during this period is still ruining twitter just for free storage and just to become a yahoo like site. bro why not buy storage and web hosting not buying twitter. but i am glad dimden is making whispy with his tema and now its gonna launch soon. i love how its css customizable and you can customize stuff around. dimden said it was planning for a fediverse instance. but also he said that elon is planning to make twitter paid by money scum instead of free registration. my advice is make a website on neocities org join whispy. i tried to encourage people to move to a standalone blog by self but most of them denied because they think html coding is scary but they do not know its document code not real docing language.

yeah still writing in this entry i wonder "what if hollow had a site" it would prob be shitposting about stellated octangula and other secret stuff.

i scrolled through twitter today and there are millions of kindred spirits protesting for palestine. you probably know i have a fight for palestine poster in the homepage with a link to a page that give emotional speech about why palestine should be freed. in this log (well firs time using it as a detailed rant) i will rant about companies that support israel. trigger warning cringe

i will start with paramount. kinda iconic movie industry, the boycott account first registered on 2016 and died like months after. they should be back online and boycott for palestine. but too late its prob abandoned for a different reason. i cannot get over why they support israel. maybe their accounts got hacked or they dont know what the war is and doesnt know the whole story. might be a struggle about going to two sides.

mcdonalds is also one of the most ass companies that support palestine. look, the terrorists want their land and started targetting people and children, whose lives were short and they never get to see the future. and you, a company that distributes food? supporting them? nahh. they are def doing for their business.

next thing is WIX. yep, very terrible sites with limited placement. a site buider that is known for extremely laggy interface and laggy site loaders. if your site is on wix, you should move and go to neocities. this is a huge beg. or i will write a review on your site.

now we have disney. i think i know now that these companies are supporting israel because they dont wanna lose customers and money revenue. that is just a speculation not a real claim. disney is the only kids cartoon industry we all know and probably grew with. i am in huge disbelief that they stand against the right and true side but they probably have no empathy to do so. i am still wondering if disney had a maintainer in israel or something.

i searched a site that explains the list of companies that support israel. you need to stand against them. boycott their products or leave a fuck you note at their door is another way. puma, google, carrefour, volvo, pizza hut, and more are supporting israel and you should go kill their businesses. do it not for yourself but for others. be a bard of light. save people with light.

friday 26/1/24

weather sunny 9°C wind 27km/h
mood content, bored

today i hate learning balancing equations and finding perimeter of a semicircle. now im gonna break it to you i have bad memory. i tried to explain about while i was walking home i saw two or 3 kids talking and giggling. one of them said like "if you have to travel all around the world there should have a seat for (inaudible)" and they laughed. one kid said "what the fuck" and they kept laughing. i went back home always hungry for food. my mom is still shuffling tarto cards, but now shes going to make kanor congee. finally i can be fulfilled by weekends. but i am not ready for the 26 febuary science preparation for GCSE test. hollow if you see this i am still looking at simon and if you do i can finally prove that you check this site everyday

thursday 25/1/24

weather cloudy 13°C wind 34km/h
mood content, upset, bored

i just finished my geography homework. its sooo o oos ooosooooo boring.

now i need to mark when hollow wakes up bc his timezone (in indonesia) is extremely hard to catch on but not with the help of google i can track the time in the whole indonesia. for now i decided to do a new page (well not for now but might) about pubmats. pubmats aka published materials are like advertisements or posters slogan stuff. i did have this idea of asking users to do pubmats (they had to draw them out) about any topic that the artist or the world needs. thanks to hollow trying to free palestine now i have an idea of doing square or any sized pubmats. i had to first think how it works. or and in netball class its fun but in a weird way. half of my face is cold and feels hurt tho.

wednesday 24/1/24

weather cloudy 10°C wind 23km/h
mood no feelings, fuming, scared

today i had DT, which is the product design set. i was too scared to do a freaking lamp woodwork but it ended fun. but i screwed the back of the ducks body. yeah screw it tho i shouldve sand the ducks body but i cut bc i was too scared to use a bandfacer but nah i changed my mine and first try to cut the scraps of wood from the body and sand it. or use a bandfacer.

i had to write this but my brother keeps taunting me with the word gay when i leave firealpaca (art program )on and he used my tablet!!! i really need to teach him about not minding peoples business or stuff. hes a huge prick.

nothing much just school and i think the sharex situation and replacing images is now cleared. from now on i had to store dem pics in folders which eats up file memory. wow.

tuesday 23/1/2024

weather rain 14°C wind 43km/h
mood content, fuming, scared

i know i am always late at giving up diary entries. i decided that i should list moods, weather, and info about the day (not my school timetable). i think its a pretty near idea after seeing plourples site (plourples.com) because she used table to set up menu links around and i really like how retro that is. also afterschool i saw a girls dental appointment card and freaked out because i have a fear of dentists (everyone has one) but last time i visited one i didnt cry but nearly. i hate drilling equipment (i dont have novocaine used that time) so i think from now on i have to learn from raina telgemeier that dentists are not scary but its the equipment that you fear. she has a lot of faith and trust in dental care after her story of knocking her two front teeth out and getting braces. read the smile book i couldnt spoil the whole thing.

then at home my brother cried because i keep yelling at him and he thought i was being mean. i gotta admit he thinks he is innocent but to me hes a huge meanie heehaw. i still couldnt fix the blips.club widget in the main page cuz it causes the song in the 404 page to play.

oh well in ICT (computer class) i got too excited about HTML coding that the teacher said "when did i tell you to add a picture in the page" and thats when i got a bit upset. i think if you are an expert and everyone is learning i think you should follow them not go crazy with it. lesson learned, still a bit upset so i gotta cheer up with something. now hollow is sleeping cuz its midnight in indonesia. yep maybe some new interesting stuff and sites should help.

come to think about it i guess the girl (lemme call her donna) it was more of an orthodontist's appointment.

monday 22/1/2024

sorry for the late update. but i had to replace every single image on this site (by me) since pixeldrain thought that i hotlink every single thing using sharex. turns out sharex is only allowed to pro accounts but they still give advertising to sharex anyways. i am so tired from replacing every broken image on this site. aaaaaaaaaaa

sunday 21/1/2024

i forgot that the science test for GCSE preparation is near and my science teacher said that it covers all topics and units all the way from YEAR 7 to YEAR 9. wow i only joined year 8 and now i had to regain knowledge from google classroom. i might revise, but i was too lazy so i had to muster up all the courage to see it. but for now i rather stick to developing the site and draw stuff around.

and i realised that i saw the number 111 like loads. i found 111 and 555 in my maths questions and hollow's follower count. i forgot i think theres more but i forgot. 111 means that your life or yourself is finding joy and happiness by being true to ones self. i have no clue how true i am but i dont think so. but the joy and happiness part is real. akegkaejgkajeg its reallll!!!!! below is a screenshot of hollow's followers (i use the oldtwitter extension made by dimden.dev who is a dev and a contributor to neocities.org).

omigishomighsisihsihai kjgebkajbefk n i still cant stop thinking bout simon wtf akebkajbkegjbamejb

'nother update to the entry, while i was writing this there was a huge storm. my mother and brother wanted to go out shopping but when they opened that door its extremely rough and likely blows you out. the cars are jiggling and our potted tree flew off. i still cannot think about simon aubk akejgkaheglknaeg i got too happy today. theres not much snow now, just rain, but might snow again any time soon.

saturday 20/1/2024

i got so happy today. not to mention i saw numbers like 111 and 555 my life is def getting better now. i sent too much hollowblix fanart and he liked it. wahoooooooooooo!!!!!!!! temperature is like 3 now. no snow but i still i want snow. i had to do more icons for hollow now on the advertisement page. i love cranking work around my site rather than school work. i am so glad having a site.

another update to this entry! i discovered that i cannot stop drawing loads of simon the stellar octangula guy. i mean now im obsessed with his design for some reason. now i have to wait for the notifications box to explode. oh also hollow if you are reading this heck yes simon for life!!11!!

friday 19/1/2024

i forgot to take my bag after wearing my coat!! today doesnt snow so oh well luck doesnt. i keep seeing angel numbers in maths like 555, 111 and 777. dunno if 111 really meant that life is in he right path for me. my school had a PR (parents meeting with teachers) ahead so i hope my mom emails me instead. i dont wanna see face to face with my homeroom teacher but who knows maybe i am invisible? also in maths class liam just went in and said 'uuh (inaudible) wrong class shit haha' and the rest was history.

i checked out fc2 live, its the origin of 24/7 cat streaming on cameras and its the best place to stream chatting with the whole chat board or just slap a video of "how this mf on live" eagle as the camera and see if any japanese people chat on it, let them react. i actualy wanna do that but obs lags as heck and idk how to put video as camera. would def try make a continuous stream of chatting someday on fc2. i was jsut daydreaming this whole time.

thursday 18/1/2024

OH MY GOD!!!!! I CANT WAIT TO TELL YOU FANTASTIC REVERSE-POLARITYING NEWS!!! today i always had PE first period. you would expect me crying for life again. BUT ITS NOT!!! instead of NETBALL it was snowing in the morning and i went to school normally (well not normally schools close when it snows 1 or 5 inches) and we had to go to the dome to play there or a while since theres a mock exam going on. i love how some girl screamed 'THOMAS CLAGUE! GET BACK HERE!' because she got hit by a snowball. when we were waiting for the PE changing rooms to open there are year 10s throwing snow at us. another thing to laugh. i didnt know snow could bless me with fun activities. thank-you snow!!! :)

wednesday 17/1/2024

i always wished it snowed. in the morning its like 0 degrees celsius or something but mom said it might snow tomorrow so if it did then wahhoooooooo!!! but the weather forecast in the iom gov site it said no snow on thursday so DAMMIT1!!!

it was actually icy today, i saw melting ice on the street and puddles at school. wav finally responded to me that in british columbia area is like 20 degrees celsius so i guess his case was worse. I WISH IT SNOWED SO I COULD SKIP NETBALL BUT I COULDNT HELP BUT CRY. oh and also i started eating in the eal room with other kids. it stinked since and from the twins food but at least i get to talk to new people. i even got social actually! HAPPY TRAILS!!!

tuesday 16/1/2024

while i was writing this i had to finish my design technology homework cuz i left it since saturday or something. all i had to do was answer what is target market (heh that rhymes) in produt design and all i did was google chromes the assignment and submit it. i dont have much to draw i have bad memory so just have this pic i found in RE class. will actually write more. but i have to do my DT homework first!!!!!

I DID IT WITHOUT DEADLINE!!!!! now its time to talk about weather. last night it snowed but only few cuz its not hard shower. but i am going to check if the weather is gonna snow again. at least it might happen when i was staring at the window in RE class and saw huge chunks of snow on a mountain (well not all areas) but if i have a break from school that would be nice.

monday 15/1/2024

there was probably a mock test for year 11s (grade 10) because we cant use the sport hall and there are like 75 tables right there with a ticking timer.

our PE teacher just led us to the balcony, which is a fitness hall, and there is a hell lot of girls in the class so one of the teachers just asked if they want to just used equipment or dance to just dance on youtube. and now the scene is just this picture below. i almost finished (or completely finished) the simple and quick html and css guide in my guides page. school was fun after i met faith and rosheen, when i get back after dinmer will write more.

so after PE the teacher said we dont get our kits for next monday because theres an exam going on soon but still on thursdays we get our kit tho. AND I LOATHE NETBALL. anyways mom said it might sno on tuesday bc its gonna rain plus very cold weather so i wish it happened on thursdays.

sunday 14/1/2024

i couldnt start a sentence so here we are. today i am going to talk about things you guys missed yesterday. i met a guy named BoomBalling, he was one of the new players in worldsplayer. we talked for a while with Gleender and AEE-Kath (kath was hated by the worlio admins) but i talked to her since she just wanted to talk. i finished my teapot kid avatar and i had to decimate the avatar so that it could load in. its tiring tho. ok so he was a nice guy to talk with since i really love new players, it brings joy to one quiet lobby located somewhere in nevada. we talked about music interests and that one twin lotus ad (from 2007-ish) where a nice black guy tried to save a girls balloon by climbing a street light that looked like somewhere in chachengsao (sorry i forgot where it was lol) but then her mom came to save her from crossing a freaking motorway and denied the balloon the man saved (prob cuz thai parents might be racist). he went home placing that helium balloon along with other balloons then rests in a toothbrush and became a toothpaste. then it switched to the twin lotus toothpaste box and a man voiced over "do not be deceived by looks" like back then they see black people as amusing but to me it upsetted me a bit. kinda weird.

saturday 13/1/2024

another kinda refreshing morning of waking up and not going to school. i didnt eat breakfast yet cuz i had to wait for a bit for that congee to be made and stuff. at least i finished my shrines page, might brainstorm about advertisements page. so basically it will be a page that is similar to links, but it was targeted to any product or other webpeoples request. i had to wait for the requests to coming or if i like the site i will slap it to the plugboard. actually a nice idea, though because it was one way of helping people reach sites like spiderwebs. YEAHHHHHH!!!!

so now this is another post it note sticked in so that its a bit of an update of the entry. so theres this guy named AchzuDJ and he reached out to me. we talked for a while and i like who he is one of the people who accepts that the new generation is doomed just because they act like whiny people for hello kitty or something. that type of shit does suck. but at least worldsplayer is the best place to like talk about something and not get upset. very nice day tho.

oh and i nearly forgot: my brother had an appointment with the therapist using zoom as a way to tunnel through (i am using oldschool terms since newgens is degrading as hell) halfway through his session he was in tears about why his mom never got something he wanted. funny times to laugh after being depressed for some time.

friday 12/1/2024

somehow i couldnt think of what to write and what to draw so yeah.

there are set changes in geography, and i stayed because i tried too hard in geography test and managed to stay on top. and in maths class i accidently did a X instead of + for the formula of finding an area in a trapezium or aka 1/2 x (a+b) x h as we all know i guess

on the way home i have nothing to say since there aint no interesting stuff going on so i just drew a picture of me at home thinking of postal 1 dude cuz hes so fine

oh and one thing at first its 3 degrees, now its 5 and then dunno what happened next maybe slowly cuts into 4 and someone during lunch took a phone out and said its gonna snow next week but somehow maybe not next week. i was looking forward to snow day or something and good part is school closes so yeah i just need to put a purple crayon in front of a windowsill and wait until they come.

11/1/2024 thursday

yet another boring entry. but i have lots to tell. on the way home there is occasionally two or three buses heading other road and theres this one bus (double decker) with kids inside. i like how there are boys talking like upstairs of the bus and if i had a camera, mark my words i will take a photo of it and turn it into an album since its weirdly wholesome for some reason. i cant remember msot of it but i drew a picture.

oh, and today is still 4 degrees celsius just like every entry mentions. i wished it snowed.

a small update to the entry but i had netball and it made me upset. i got even more upset when the wii deleted you server overload server just turned my back against me for commenting why its more tox centered than the fandom itself. at least i have a warm home and a good mom i dont think the world is gonna end any time soon thanks to this old web community and the nice people i met on bitview.net. oh well having a home is better than in the warzone.

another update now i enjoy taling to tox and other homies after a few conversations. wahooo human interaction is so lively!

10/1/2024 wednesday

i am back with another entry. so now the girl with the name that starts with an r is Rosheen. yep. now i knew what her name was, i jotted down here.

i walked back to school and found one girl vaping with other kids walking back home. but most of my entries have a picture so i might give a try on what it looks like.

ok. so i still dont know what to write in most entries but i had a way. first, the weather is kinda fine, still cloudy, but actually fine. the weather is still 4 degrees celsius so i guess it will stay for the rest of the month. my mom as usual had to cope with OCD by shuffling tarot cards while listening to random youtube advices in money or tarot readings.

oh and also i was fixing the diary again, i have a homie named fibs, he said that he was biking around town and his bike broke down and chains just came off. then he met this guy along the road who fixed it for him and he speed speeds back home woosh woosh but to me i think thats a wizard not a guy

9/1/2024 tuesday

nothing much, today i just went to school, cold as usual 3 degrees celsius and might have a chance of snow in a couple of days.the coding contest didnt end well since it didnt record the footage and it went pitch black and its me screaming at my brother and clicking sounds of typing. at least its one of those days i actually like going to school

i forgot when i was going back to thailand but i guess april or june this year, with a whole new building extension at my house and a new room just like my parents promised. i was brainstorming my dream room, maybe posters and electric piano or just printers and dolls. i just pray its brothers and vermin and insects and rodents proof (of course not you my dear chinchilla rat)

8/1/2024 monday

While i was writing this, i was recording a video to bitview for the january 2024 "coding" contest and it think my rad HTML skills could win that thing but dunno if it requires me to join their discord server or something i might join after the recording is finished

my class had 2 new students, faith and i forgot her name but i think its starts with an r. they were new to the school today and i got too excited for no reason. i get to guide them for like only 2 classes, EAL and science.

and now i at home i had to sort and clean my room with my random brother. which actually end well tho :)

woo now i am looking forward to tuesday tomorrow

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