⁓ *Shrines and communities I am in* ⁓

Wii Deleted You (2017)

Although it was one of the longest communities I am in, I don't really interect with them anymore. So the main point of the story is that two kids found 2 ghosts inside their Wii. And the reason behind the ghosts is that one were killed by another and took revenge forever. The community is talented, but there are alot of kids, shipping, and some of them (korean artist and vietnamese artist who shall not be named) were one of the most notable for problematic behaviour in the community. Its sad to hear that they are barely mature and they are always fighting who they love.

acatsneakedby (2021)

This is not a community but an artist I liked. She drew some artworks revolving Hazbin Hotel as of now, and MUGEN (a Roblox ARG). Her artworks were stylish and she even had her pet lizard!

Worlds.com/Worldsplayer (1998)

I came across this game from a poorly researched video accusing a "cult" inside a defunct game. It isn't defunct, you can still download the version with an AMD hack and the lastest version of Java, because older versions do not support AMD processors and only runs on old Java. I met the old web community, but inside the worlio.com forums the creator and his moderators accused AEEKath (former host of worldsplayer) of being problematic. Then there is this guy which I forgot his name but it has "cookie" in the name. He was also problematic, but I saw him ingame because Wirlaburla (creator of worlio and worldsplayer maintainer) quit the game community during 2024 new years. I didn't play that game much now, but I will try to create a model and put it in-game to surprize others. I still miss LAKELAKE and wav. At least the game was now one of the oldest games notable. Shout-out to the Boom guy, LAKELAKE, wav, lalaru, GRUMBO, dosfox, and everyoe who once played the game.

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