welcome to the webpage of an open-source person who suffers from school, friends, teachers, people from the internet, creativity, mom, and life. i hope you really stop here and have fun drinking chocolate milk at your stay!

Åʓ♪‿ʤ Welcome to my simple looking webpage! have a look around (sorry i hate cleaning). this is where i mostly jot down ramblings and store the rest of what i did on the internet. i am also one of the people on the internet that has their own homestead and not corporate apartments (limits creativity) and the good thing is having a site can keep track and customize things around. and the no.1 of the list is FREE SPEECH!

this site is proudly hosted by neocities.org. the site is strictly against new web3 stuff and also hates new corporate sites. but partially supports social media since i am on twitter and only for sharing stuff around, not live and breathe on the platform full of 13 year olds rambling about why school sucks and random stuff i dont care (hey, to be honest that sounds alot like me!)