<HOST>: a love letter to the old internet and analogic polaroids and nostalgia

welcome to the webpage of an open-source person who writes about life and crys about it. this is where her worlds meet and archives stuff on a site because social sites are boring. i hope you have fun on this site!!! contacts go to schooltown@proton.me

welcome to nikkis closet Welcome to my simple looking webpage! have a look around (sorry i hate cleaning). this is where i mostly jot down ramblings and store the rest of what i did on the internet. i am also one of the people on the internet that has their own homestead and not corporate apartments (limits creativity) and the good thing is having a site can keep track and customize things around. and the no.1 of the list is FREE SPEECH!

this site is proudly hosted by neocities.org. all stuff i made is forever by me. some of the stuff not by me might have a link back to it. simply speaking, this is where i reside on the internet and my only outlet to the real world. the site does not work in phones or ipads but for pcs with like square shaped or different resolution it should work fine. have fun looking around! stay safe and avoid chaotic things.


updates and some upcoming messages

updates and stuff description
31/1/24 although not 90s ish i decided that adding a fixed decor on the screen really makes the site even more me
24/1/24 image broken situation is fixed; fixed blips widget and added stuff around
22/1/24 notices box added below the landing page. contains info you should need to know my site.
oh and also the mailbox is implemented in about me and index page using discord webhook
20/1/24 updates box is now a table
piclog is added for keeping track of stuff. will add fc2 live cam soon
small notices logs will be added everyday, guides delay since idk what to write about.

mail, inqueries and tunnel for screaming at me

ported from about me page - this is a tunnel for sending messages to me. ask anything bout the site, or want your site to be on the advertisements page. want updates? ask me! want crack? ALSO ASK ME! i am glad to respond back in 5.6 seconds. you can also contact at:


return email address

message (and at least hugs 4 me)

Calendar Widget by CalendarLabs

you have to free them now. you can, too.

receive this from me!

fc2 24/7 webcam

media of the day

picture log

  the worlds.com webring  


-this site represents myself. but not 100% me.
-all the archived stuff (arts and some pictures) are from me. documents or allegations are not mine. i love collecting junk produced outside the house.
-my layout is free to use (because its a frameless geocities style) do not heavily copy all my assets. just make it similar in your own style.
-this site is free of boringness since twitter is too plain milk.
-if you see thai stuff around, i am not a huge nationalist. i just want to present to the world. thats it.
-some info in guides might change or not whole percent true.
-if you have inqueries check the bottom page of about-me and or email schooltown@proton.me
-want your site/media/social media on the advertisement board? go ahead and contact me anywhere. or just the email above. you will receive a custom icon on the ads page by me. plus ratings and description.
-if you are asking, "what is this site's aesthetic?" its old web and analogicore plus 2004ish stuff. thanks for asking.
-in-real-life people, dont see all my stuff, ask in advance if you are not offended. (the site has real life rants about real life people)
-if you are my favorite artist you are being put in the shrines. shrines is like a fandom, person or artist memorial page. if you really wanna do that then i reccommend own a site. its hard at first but it really pays off since you have a home on the web now.
-simon octangula is forever. hes in here and hes gonna stay and become part of internet history.paste him now on your site or an abomination send you to work in a mine.(obviously if you are a minecraft player)

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